Description: Starting in the holding area (parking lot) with all weapons empty and on safe, the team leader will issue each team member 1 of the provided weighted sandbag (20-50 lbs). On command from RSO, the entire team will low crawl under the wire, with their sandbags, to enter battlefield. Each athlete may occupy any of 5 unique stations. The weapon used for that station will only be loaded and unloaded at that specific station while pointed safely downrange. Once the station is complete, athletes will holster empty pistol and carry empty carbine to the next station to the right, along with their issued sandbag. Athletes may not skip a station, but may ask a team mate for assistance with the physical task. Complete as many stations as possible in the time limit. *See below for detailed station descriptions. Scoring: · 1 points per hit in the A Zone. Negative 5 points per hit on friendlies. · Maximum 40 points per shooter. · Total points, divided by number of shooters (Round fraction scores down) = TEAM SCORE. Total number of stage team points: Maximum Team Points = 40. Minimum points = 0 * Weapons will be loaded and unloaded at each station. Weapons will be safe and empty while moving from 1 station to the next.
Station #1: Low Wall Climb (Carbine): Simulates hopping fences. Starting on either side of the wall, the athlete will place carbine in the designate safe area (barrel/table), then toss sandbag over the 5ft wall, then climb over the wall. The sandbag may remain on the ground where it landed. Engage 2 targets with 1 round each. Place carbine in the designate safe area (barrel/table), then toss sandbag over the wall, then climb over the wall. Engage each target with 1 round each. Continue for 4 reps and a total of 8 shots fired.
Station #2: Box Step Up (Pistol): Simulates stepping onto higher tactical positions. Starting by placing carbine in the designate safe area (barrel/table). Athlete must keep the sandbag above waist level during the entire station. Using either leg, step up onto the box until both feet are firmly planted. Draw, and engage the target with 1 round, then re-holster. Step down off the box until both feet are touching the ground then step up again. Repeat for a total of 8 step up reps firing 8 rounds from on top of the box. *If the sandbag falls below waist level, the station is over.
Station #3: High Wall Climb (Carbine): Simulates climbing onto short buildings. · Start with carbine in the designate safe area (barrel/table). The athlete will toss sandbag under the wall, use any method necessary to climb over the wall (freehand, muscle up, rope, buddy lift, etc), then safely drop down on far side of the wall. The sandbag may remain on the ground where it landed. Engage each of the 4 targets with 1 round each. Place carbine in the designate safe area (barrel/table). Grab the sandbag, and return to the original side of the wall and repeat the drill for a total of 2 wall climbs and 8 round fired.
Station #4: Balance Beam (Pistol): Simulates traversing uneven terrain. · Start with carbine in the designate safe area (barrel/table). The athlete will walk from one end of the balance beam to the other while carrying the sandbag. If the athlete falls off, then return to the starting position. Once successfully across the beam, the athlete may drop the sandbag. Draw and engage 2 targets with 1 round each, then re-holster. Pick up the sandbag, and walk from one end of the balance beam to the other while carrying the sandbag. Engage targets again with 1 round each. Continue for a total of 4 successful trips across the beam and firing 8 rounds.
Station #5: Push Up & Pull Through (Carbine): Simulates positioning equipment while staying behind cover. · Starting with carbine placed on the ground in designated area and sandbag placed on either left or right side of the station area. The athlete will start in the prone position, and then push–up into a plank. Grab the sand bag and drag under your body to the other side. Lower your body down into the prone, grab rifle, and engage target with 1 round. Return rifle to the ground, push-up to a plank position, and then pull the sandbag under your body to the opposite side. Lower your body and engage the target with 1 round. Continue for a total of 8 reps and 8 rounds.
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March 2025