Description“You're such a goddamn jock!”
SITREP: Flex your freedom fighter muscles and challenge the commies to a pullup competition. Starting Position: Standing on ground. 12# Body armor worn by hardcore teams. Number of shooters at once: 1 athlete at a time, but a team relay stage. Description: On command from RO, one athlete will mount the bar and come to a full straight arm hang for one second. Hands may face either direction. The athlete will pull up until chin is fully over the bar, and hold for one second. The athlete will then lower to a full straight arm hang for one second. That is one pull-up. Once the athlete has exhausted effort, or completed 20 pull-ups, they will dismount the bar, and next athlete will begin.
Scoring: The total number of pull ups, divided by number of team members. Total number of Team stage points: 20 Points.
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March 2025